You appear to have stumbled across my site. Do not worry, as I'm just as confused as you are on how you got here.

I am your average programming demon, as I know C, some C++, Desmos (the graphing calculator) and the best of all, Scratch. These things are why I still hang on in today's world.

Then there's my hardware. PC specs? Sure!

Lenovo Thinkpad L490

Intel Core i5-8365U

16GB DDR4 SODIMM @ 2133 MT/s or 1066 MHz

256GB of bloatware

And a terrible TN display to top it off.

I mainly have interest in Windows and Linux development, as well as unconventional means of programming, like Scratch and Desmos (yes, a graphing calculator). This also includes doing conventional programming, on the most cursed devices.

For example, I programmed strlxclick to visit for a couple of weeks on an abused RPi Zero 2W with a cheap screen and keyboard attached (Harmonica Linux!)

Why? My interest in programming was sparked by the time I bypassed Amazon security as a child by sideloading a file explorer app. Seriously.

If you'd like to see something new, check out my project page.

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